How Drake Saved Me

In the midst of life's tempests, we often seek a lighthouse to guide us safely home. For me, that beacon emerged in the form of music – my haven from the relentless echoes of conflict, my antidote to the toxicity that had become my reality. The cacophonous symphony of my parents' constant bickering was skillfully drowned out by the soothing harmonies I chose for myself. Amid the turmoil, it was in curating playlists and immersing myself in the melodic richness of my favorite tunes that I found my tranquility, my solace.

Every morning, my day began not with the harsh jangle of an alarm but with the pulsating beats of "Humble" by Kendrick Lamar. The energetic rhythms, a vibrant splash of sound in the blank canvas of dawn, resonated with the brewing ambition within me, igniting my spirit for the day ahead and setting a high-energy tempo.

As the day unfolded, music offered a refuge amid mundane routines. Sitting through uninspiring classes, Drake's soothing track, "Flights Booked," played the symphony of my escape. The rhythmic verses wafted through my headphones, their hypnotic melodies constructing an invisible fortress around me, shielding me from the outside world and helping me retain sanity amidst the humdrum of academic rigors.

The year 2014 was pivotal. A tumultuous time at home was juxtaposed with a beacon of hope that entered my life, a serendipitous discovery – Drake. This wasn't merely about finding new music; it was akin to finding a life jacket in a stormy sea. His music wasn't just entertainment; it was a lifeline, a form of stress-relief, and a catalyst for self-discovery.

Drake's songs like "The Motto" and "Best I’ve Ever Had" provided the perfect respite from my strained circumstances. His lyrics felt like unspoken conversations, the rhythm like a pulse connecting his heart to mine. The stresses of the day faded into oblivion as I lost myself in his music, and for a brief, blissful moment, the world outside ceased to exist.

Drake was more than a stress-reliever. He was my doorway into the vibrant world of R&B, a genre that appealed to my troubled soul. The soulful melodies, the raw, heartfelt lyrics, and the profound emotions ingrained in this music style helped me articulate feelings I didn't even realize I harbored.

This newfound love for R&B led me to explore other artists like The Weeknd and Frank Ocean. The Weeknd's brooding tunes and deep, emotive lyrics, especially in tracks like "The Hills" and "Call Out my Name," resonated with my inner turmoil. Simultaneously, Frank Ocean's songs like "Thinkin Bout You" and "Pink Matter" touched the deepest parts of me, opening a channel for introspection and emotional release, showing the beauty that could be found in vulnerability and raw emotion.

Music was more than a part of my everyday routine; it was my solace, my sanctuary, my joy. A constant companion that lent me strength and kept me grounded, it transformed mundane mornings into something exciting, and tedious classes into tolerable intervals. Amidst the chaos and pressure, it offered a sense of peace and normalcy when life threatened to spiral out of control.

Music became my guiding star as I navigated the stormy seas of my personal life. It taught me resilience, helped me find inner peace, and ultimately saved my life. So to anyone out there in the throes of struggle, I would say this: find your sanctuary, be it music or anything else. Let it guide you, heal you, and bring you back to yourself, just as it did for me.


Uniting Music and Mental Health: Insights from Sound Mind's Ally Marcus


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